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Is It Possible To Pause a Resin 3D Print?

3D printer owners have many reasons to pause a resin 3D print, but is it the correct thing to do? 

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3D printer owners have many reasons to pause a resin 3D print, but is it the correct thing to do? 

It’s possible to pause a resin 3D print without affecting the 3D print quality, and all 3D printers have a pause function. While it’s paused, you should handle the 3D printer carefully so that the printed object remains in place, and 3D printing can resume in the same position. 

This article will explain if it’s possible to pause a resin 3D print. We’ll also discuss if you can stop and resume a resin 3D print and how long the 3D printer can be paused. 

Can I Stop and Resume a Resin 3D Print?

We’ve learned that you can pause a resin 3D print, but can you stop and resume one? 

You can stop and resume a resin 3D print, but the process is more complicated than pausing and resuming. If there’s a problem with your 3D printer’s SD card, it may not be able to continue printing where it left off. You should make sure your SD card is good before you try to pause your printer.

The older your 3D printer, the more likely it is to have SD card issues. 

However, if your SD card can’t detect where the 3D printing stopped, you can calculate where it should resume by subtracting the height already printed from the total height to be printed. So even older printers can pause and resume as long as you keep track of these metrics.

To stop a resin 3D print on a standard printer, tap “Stop” on the screen. Select “Initiate SD Card” and tap on “Yes” to resume printing when you’re ready to resume printing. 

How Do I Pause a Resin 3D Print?

To pause a resin 3D print, follow these steps: 

  1. Release the 3D printer’s display screen from standby mode by tapping it.
  2. Scroll down until you see the “Pause” option.
  3. Tap “Pause” and then “Resume” when you’re ready to restart the 3D printing. 

Before pausing your 3D resin print, ensure that the 3D printer has a reliable power source, and don’t unplug it. If your 3D printer is accidentally switched off while paused, you risk an SD card error. 

Once you’ve paused the 3D print job, check that the nozzle moves away from the object to prevent an indentation. 

How Long Can I Pause a Resin 3D Print?

You can pause a resin 3D print for as long as you like. However, you need to ensure that the 3D object doesn’t shift from the printing bed, as this can cause a distorted final result. 

Depending on the resin 3D object you’re printing, pausing the 3D print for too long can cause a weak spot, increasing the chances of cracking or breaking. However, the most common problem is ridge formation, but you can easily sand it down when the object has been printed. 

As the 3D printer cools down during the pause, the 3D object may lose its adhesion to the printing bed. If you believe you might pause your 3D printing job, consider placing some 3D printer adhesive or a sticker sheet on the printing bed before starting. 

Using adhesive on the printing bed is particularly important if you plan on moving the 3D printer while it’s paused. 

These DOBSTFY 3D Sticker Sheets (available on can be cut to size, are easy to use, and won’t leave a messy residue. 

Do Resin 3D Printers Need a Break When Printing Complex Items?

If you’re printing a resin 3D object that is taking several hours, you might become concerned that your 3D printer needs a break so that it doesn’t overheat. This is a common reason why some people would pause a printer.

3D printers don’t need a break when printing complex items, as most models have been designed to run for at least 24 hours. However, if your 3D printer isn’t well-maintained or doesn’t have thermal runaway protection, you may need to pause it halfway to ensure that it’s operating correctly. 

Thermal runaway protection is a built-in safety mechanism in most modern 3D printers. It monitors readings from the 3D printer’s thermostat and will automatically stop the printer if the temperature is too high or it can’t detect one. 

During long 3D prints, the unit may overheat if you print too fast and don’t allow enough time for the 3D-printed parts to cool down. In extreme cases, overheating can cause a fire. 

To prevent your 3D printing from overheating, you can use a cooling fan or decrease the printing speed. 

Overheating, however, isn’t typically a problem with resin 3D printing as it usually prints between 65 and 80°F (18.33 and 26.67°C), which is on the lower end of the 3D printing temperature spectrum. 

Reasons To Pause a Resin 3D Print

3D printers have a pause function because there are many reasons a user might need to pause a 3D print: 

  • To check that the object is printing correctly. When you check if the 3D object is printing correctly, it may save you from wasting resins. 
  • To ensure that all the parts are functioning properly and that the 3D printer isn’t overheating. Older 3D printers usually don’t have thermal runaway protection, and it’s advisable to check that they don’t overheat during the 3D printing process.
  • To refill the resin vat. Suppose the resin vat runs dry while printing. You can refill it by pausing the 3D printer
  • To embed an item in the object being printed. The only way to embed an object during a 3D print is to pause the process. 


Pausing a resin 3D print is common and usually done when you need to refill the resin vat or embed an object. 

Stopping and then restarting a 3D print is more challenging with older 3D printers, which don’t have reliable SD cards to detect where to resume the print job. 

You can pause a resin 3D print job for as long as you like, but it’s essential to ensure that the object doesn’t move from the printing bed as this can cause a distorted final result.

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About Ben

I started 3D printing since 2013 and have learned a lot since then. Because of this I want to share my knowledge of what I have learned in the past years with the community. Currently I own 2 Bambulab X1 Carbon, Prusa SL1S and a Prusa MK3S+. Hope you learn something from my blog after my years of experience in 3D printing.